Season 2 begins 13 months after the events of the first season. A coastal tanker leaves the Öresund waterway and is headed straight for the Øresund Bridge. When the Coast Guard board the ship they discover there is no crew, and three Swedish and two Danish youths are chained below deck. Saga Norén, County Police, Malmö, is put in charge of the case and contacts Martin Rohde, who is still haunted by the death of his son. Soon it turns out the chained youths were just the beginning... Someone wants to direct our attention to the changing climate and the use of our planet's resources, and will stop at nothing to do it. It all turns into a race against the clock to prevent a disaster where many lives are at stake... <p>《桥第二季》影评</p> <ol> <li> Saga小表情萌 这季是Scandic广告?看结局第三季必须有</li> <li> 完全么有美剧的俗套。如果你寻找坏人全部的伏诛的大快人心的结局,那么这个绝对不是你的选择。初冬偶尔落雪的歌本和马尔默,城市和人如此的美,这颜色简单的美下面是无奈,仇恨和爱欲。猪队友临了也是个猪队友啊。</li> <li> 首先主题的选择就很不错,再加上saga和martin的联盟,两个人变得越发的了解对方,合作也更愉快了。saga和男友其实在感情上的情境蛮有趣的,男人是情感派,而女性则是极致的理性派,有点意思。最后的大BOSS不知道是谁啊… Martin被抓这也是个大问号,期待第三季吧… 快快出嘛!</li> <li> 觉得拖得有点长</li> <li> 挨骂挨骂挨骂!!!今儿收拾电脑的时候看到之前的翻译坑...结果顺带一瞄竟然看到第二季来了!!!!201好棒!!!!!!</li> <li> 这个系列剧情层次丰富,线蛮多的,是有深度的Nordic noir。越看女主,越觉得“普通人”越讨厌,真的。其实女主在社交中体现出来的简单直接,其缺失的正是人性里最虚伪的部分,不论好坏。就如我不喜欢谎言,哪怕是白色谎言。整个系列的题材全部是当下热点社会问题,引人深思。</li> <li> 第一季发生的事对第二季还在产生影响,不像美剧,这样处理很有意思,刻画人物复杂的感情变化,破案故事依然精彩~没想到结局如此突然,残酷而无奈,伤感的调调~这部剧拍得太好了,人物刻画真实细腻</li> <li> The WHO part wasn't hard to guess, the WHY was</li> <li> 好看!!!!!!!!</li> <li> 卧槽!实力虐心!</li> <li> 哎呦我了勒个去,整个大豆瓣居然只有64人看过第二季……可怜我刚撸完S2-04,无奈地在A站/B站之间搜寻到凌晨!S2-05何时能催更呢?人家好想看反差萌一脸的Soga如何火线反转呢!这一季的命案,受害者都死得很有韵律,杀手是个处女座?</li> <li> 依然很惊悚 依然很变态 有悬念留给下一季</li> <li> 比第一季好一点,情节曲折,女主依旧一季没换衣服</li> <li> 终于以312的顺序追完桥