FBI agent Gretchen Blair is on a flight to Washington D.C. when the man seated beside her makes an unusual offer. He explains that the plane they're on is about to be hijacked, and promises to pay her seventy-five million dollars if she can get him safely back on the ground. When a gang of professional thieves takes control of the plane, she realizes he isn't joking. Soon Gretchen finds herself caught in the middle of an elaborate mid-air heist, fighting to save the passengers while the thieves tear the plane apart, searching for the stolen loot hidden somewhere on board.@www.lightyear.club 《高空》影评 当年的邦女郎啊,怎么残成这样。 我觉得挺好看的,是我喜欢的风格 烂 垃圾动作片,感觉人家坐飞机怎么都辣么精彩 连丹妮丝都成这样了,不敢相信。。 只想送上3个字,什么鬼。4.0分 什么玩意啊…… 逻辑乱七八糟的,漏洞多。 灾难片4.4 什么垃圾玩意? 就系睇女主角老左几多… 烂 女主嘴巴怎么了? 逻辑为零、智商为零、演员又丑。 Denise Richards 太蠢了吧都